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Bottom Packages

Prices apply if the bottom is in maintained condition, requiring standard preparation. Bottoms in poor condition (requiring extra sanding or repair) are billed on a time and materials basis. 

Our bottom paint packages include the following:

  • Haul, pressure wash, environmental fees, place on stands, launch
  • Prep and apply antifouling bottom paint.
  • All materials, including the bottom paint, required for prepping and painting the bottom, (tape, sand paper, sanders, paint trays, rollers, covers, protective gear, etc.).
  • Racing bottom is sprayed on with hard paint.
  • California sales tax is applied to all materials.A deposit is required for all bottom packages prior to hauling your boat.

Sales tax on all materials used for your bottom paint package will be charged on a separate invoice once the project is complete.

Additional Bottom Package Charges

Additional coat of paint or coat of primer$20 per foot
Customer-supplied paint "corkage" fee$20 per gallon

You are welcome to source and supply your own bottom paint as long as it is legal for sale in California. This fee is for handling including paint shaker use and disposal of paint container(s).

If boat has never had bottom paint there will be additional fees for preparation and primer application.

Bottom Package Pricing

Bottom package prices are calculated in 1 foot increments based on your boat design classification. For fractions of a foot, round off to the nearest foot (.5+ is rounded up). 

Rolled: Sprayed (Racing):